North Riding FA LGBT History Month

North Riding FA Spreading The Message Of Diversity And Inclusion For LGBT History Month

North Riding FA looking to make an impact during a crucial moment for LGBTQ+ awareness

North Riding FA are proud to work alongside Hart Gables during LGBT History Month to promote awareness and inclusiveness.

The month aims to help to raise awareness of, and combat prejudice against, LGBT people and history.

Founded in 2004 by Schools OUT co-chairs, Paul Patrick & Professor Emeritus Sue Sanders, it was first celebrated in February 2005 and continues to grow and develop each year. Each year Schools OUT sets a different theme with this year's #BehindTheLens campaign celebrating LGBT+ peoples’ contribution to cinema and film from behind the lens.

Learn more about Schools Out LGBT+ History by clicking here

In the last 12 months, we have been working with Hart Gables to develop a tailored football-inspired session, eliminating barriers that many people within the LGBT community face.

We are committed to supporting LGBT+ History and working on activations moving forwards to ensure North Riding is inclusive for all. We are looking to interview anybody who identifies as LGBT+ and is involved in football. If you are interested and would like to find out more, please contact us. 

We believe it is important to continue developing attitudes and become more inclusive in society and sports to ensure everyone feels safe. The following statistics are taken from Stonewall, with information on their Rainbow Laces campaign in 2022 available to view here.

Over 1.4 million people in the UK identify as LGBTQ+.

Only 43% of sport fans think live sport events are welcoming for LGBTQ+ fans

14% of sport fans still think homophobic remarks are acceptable in sport

Just 40% of sport fans think competitive sport is welcoming for gay and bi men

43% of sport fans think competitive sport is welcoming for lesbian and bi women

Only 29% of sport fans think competitive sport is welcoming for trans sport personalities

Our intention is to make a difference so that more LGBTQ+ players feel comfortable in sport, and so that more LGBTQ+ fans can enjoy sport as a platform for diversity and equality.

To find out more information on Hart Gables please visit